mardi, août 16, 2011

Reality's a lovely place but I wouldn't wanna live there.

2 years ago, I had no clue who or what Owl City was. It was only when I was tasked with the responsibility of researching and preparing interview questions for a story on him in CLEO magazine that I found out who he was.

His music's uplifting (it's almost impossible to feel depressed listening to him), his lyrics are whimsical and maybe even childlike, and I see references to God in his songs. And when I read his blog, my God, he writes beautifully. This man, has a gift.

Fast forward and 2 years later, I've become a fan of his and I was there last night at Tivoli for his concert, seeing him in the flesh. It's hard to believe that he's a shy person or an introvert from the way he carried himself on the stage! His concert covered a mix of his old and new songs so I enjoyed every minute of it.

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Awesome. Yeah, I think the same way not with this places. There are lovely cities, but only for holidays.

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